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Boredom setting into my marathon training

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5ksandcabernets: Boredom setting into my marathon training


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boredom setting into my marathon training

This is the period where marathon training is getting harder. Not physically, mind you. My legs are recovered from Sunday's half-marathon PR and are ready for Saturday's 21-mile training run. And I've only got the normal aches and pains from running 5 to 6 days a week.
No, the hard part is now mental. I've been "in training" since mid June, running hard every Tuesday and Thursday, watching what I eat and drink and going to bed early on Friday night so I can run long on Saturday morning, often before the crack of dawn.
All this stuff is starting to get on my nerves. And I'm kind of getting bored. I'm ready to run the marathon, and I'm ready to run it now. I can't wait to take all this training and put it on the road for a 3-plus hour race. I wish I would have signed up to run the Rock 'N Roll Marathon in San Antonio on Nov. 16.
Alas, my race isn't until Dec. 14. That's 2 1/2 more weeks of intense training where the mileage will creep up to 50 miles per week; 2 more 20-plus mile long runs, and a few more Friday nights that find me in bed wayyyyyyy before I'd rather be.
The only thing keeping me sane are the Tuesday and Thursday group runs with the folks from Lukes Locker. Its easier to get up before dark and run 6 to 8 miles week after week after week when there are other people around running as well. On Wednesdays, I run 9 to 10 miles alone and it is mentally brutal. It's like, I wish I could either take a running break now, or run the marathon now.
The only thing I can do: Hurry up and wait.


Blogger A Plain Observer said...

I know that feeling too well. I have always said I can run forever (if my legs allow it) but to know I have to, is a different story. Doing a 20 (I only do two 20s) is more mental, it's knowing I have to do it that day because I have to and once I get past that I'm okay. Bite the bullet, my friend, you are almost there

November 6, 2008 at 5:24 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

This is because you are not running trails. Road puts me to sleep.

Seriously though-- I find that switching up the route can sometimes make things more interesting...

November 7, 2008 at 12:14 AM  
Blogger Derek said...

I agree with Victoria, the roads put me to sleep as well that why I enjoy cycling as well. Can't fall asleep or you may end up in a ditch or worse.

November 7, 2008 at 8:59 AM  

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