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Marathon: The day is almost here.

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5ksandcabernets: Marathon: The day is almost here.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Marathon: The day is almost here.

In just under 8 days, it'll be time to throw all that training at the White Rock Marathon. Today, the schedule called for a 9-miler, the last run of over an hour that I am supposed to do. I warmed up the first three miles and did the last six at my marathon pace. It felt real easy. Very easy to do 6 of the last 9 miles in exactly 48 minutes. I feel very very confident I can hold this pace for an entire marathon, which would have me crossing the finish line in 3 hours, 30 minutes.
Next week will be about taking it easy and watching what I eat. Since I peaked out at a 55-mile week before I started tapering, I have put on about 4 pounds in the last two weeks. (Too much celebratory adult beverages, too much dairy - Pizza is going to kill me one day). Funny thing is I had all these aches and pains in my legs and feet before the taper, and now I'd say nothing hurts anymore. My left knee is still a little wonky, but its nothing I'm really worried about.
I know over the next 8 days I'll spend wayyyyyy too much time over analyzing my training and my past two marathon performances to see if I can glean something that may help me at White Rock. When I ran White Rock in 2005 and in 2007, I was not blogging, so I'll write race reports from both races (ugly, ugly) and share them with you guys this week.

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Blogger Derek said...

You have put in some great training, now just enjoy the week and relax. You know you will set a PR, so don't over analyze your race. Have a great race and maybe I'll see you before the race, because once it starts I'll be in your review mirror. Good luck and take care!!

December 6, 2008 at 1:25 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Well, whatever you end up doing (or don't), this won't be the last marathon you ever run, so remember that whatever you do, this is not the final chance of a race.... having said that, RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!!

December 6, 2008 at 3:04 PM  
Blogger Ewen said...

That'll make an interesting comparison with the report after this year's big PR race :)

December 7, 2008 at 12:17 AM  

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