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White Rock Marathon Countdown: 10 days

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5ksandcabernets: White Rock Marathon Countdown: 10 days


Thursday, December 3, 2009

White Rock Marathon Countdown: 10 days

This morning (Thursday) I was set to do an 8 to 10 mile run with the gang from Team Rogue. My plan was to do 8 to 10 miles really really easy and slow (like 8 to 8:15 pace). We started the run from Barton Springs at 5:30 am, and it was still dark and cold outside. I decided to follow this group who knew the run so I wouldnt have to carry a map.

Midway through the run, I learned that the group I was following was going to run 12 miles. I didnt want to get lost, so I kept following them. When we were done, the run wound up being 13.5 miles. I felt very fresh the last mile so I closed out the last mile in 6:55 pace. I did the entire run in 7:58 pace.

I definitely did not mean to run that long, so Saturday, I will run 5 to 7 miles and will not run longer than an hour for any of my runs until White Rock.

I still don't know how fast I'm going to try to run. I just want to have a good, respectable time. I will tell you what, though, I'm about burned out on marathon running. This marathon will be my fourth in the last 365 days. I'm tired of waking up at 4:30 in the morning.


Blogger Tom Grant said...


Say hello to me at the mile 24 water stop.My Church (and I) have it second year now.


December 4, 2009 at 1:37 AM  
Anonymous Jess said...

I didn't know you were doing White Rock! Wow, that's getting close.

December 4, 2009 at 2:06 PM  
Blogger A Plain Observer said...

too much too soon?
I love marathons but when I ran my first one I knew I didn't want to turn them into a chore. I run two a year if I can. That is enough for me

December 4, 2009 at 7:12 PM  

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