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I like running fast more than I like running far

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5ksandcabernets: I like running fast more than I like running far


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I like running fast more than I like running far

For the first time in two months, I decided to do some interval training this morning.
4x1000 at the track and field stadium at TCU.
Did a 1-mile warm-up first (Gawd, its boring running in circles). Then, my calves still a little achy from Tuesday morning's run, I took off.
First 1,000-meter interval: 4:09 (6:46 min/mile pace).
Second: 4:09 (6:46)
Third 4:08 (6:44)
Fourth 4:04 (6:38)
I "rested" 3:30 between each interval, with rest being relative. Between the first two intervals, I was still fresh enough that I felt like jogging (albeit slowly). Between the last two intervals, uh, well, lets say I walked the first minute of the rest period, then finished the rest period with a jog.
I felt controlled for each interval, like I could have kept the pace for at least another 400 meters. My heart rate for the entire set of intervals got as high as 92 percent max, and this was near the end of the last two intervals. If I could keep such a pace for an entire 5K, I'd shave a minute off the last 5K I ran in May, when it was 25 degrees cooler outside than it is now.
I like running fast more than I like running far. I don't think I'm ready to mark down a sub 21-minute 5K just yet, but hopefully I can get there before the end of the year.
Still, my biggest goal remains a sub 4 hour marathon. I'd take that right now.


Blogger Laura said...

You're the exact opposite of me. I'll jog for days if I can go slow enough, but tell me I have to RUN at a fast pace and I'm exhausted just thinking about it! The key to my training is getting used to sprinting so that running faster still FEELS like a slow jog.

August 6, 2008 at 9:45 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

Wow, those are some great times. Check out Yasso 800's for marathon time prediction. With the times your posting, I can see you putting in a 3:30 at White Rock!!

August 6, 2008 at 10:04 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Hey speedster! Nice times! And you have to take SOME of the credit for Noah. He clearly has your genes...

August 6, 2008 at 11:24 PM  
Blogger Ryan V. said...

I'm suprised the sub-4 hour marathon seems so elusive to you. You seem like a speedy dude. And sub-21 minute 5K? I know you've got that in the tank. I'm a long, slow runner, and I've clocked both sub-4 marathons and sub-21 5Ks. You're going to smash those barriers, amigo.

August 7, 2008 at 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just not natural. I would expect a PR for 5k real soon.

August 7, 2008 at 8:59 PM  

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